author: none
Dec 23, 2024
Debbie Degutis, Connectix, (415) 571–5100
For Release December 12, 1993
SAN MATEO, Calif., USA, December 12, 1993 – Connectix Corporation today announced RAM Doubler™, a new utility that doubles the memory of Macintosh® computers. RAM Doubler carries a US suggested retail price of $99 and will be available through leading resellers worldwide through retail outlets, mail order firms and distributors in January 1994.
RAM Doubler provides a unique and inexpensive solution for upgrading Macintosh memory. RAM Doubler is a simple system extension, not a control panel, that gives Macs twice as much memory to open applications. Because RAM Doubler is not a control panel, RAM Doubler eliminates the need for any user adjustments. Following its “click and double your RAM installation,” users continue to use the Macs as they normally do, only with twice as much RAM. RAM Doubler doubles the memory on any Mac II, LC, Performa, PowerBook, Centris, and Quadra computer with 4 MB of RAM or more.
RAM Doubler combines Connectix’ award-winning memory management technology developed for MODE32 and Maxima with a new set of memory protocols that can typically triple the amount of information stored in a megabyte of RAM. The exact details of the technology are covered under pending patents.
In related news, Connectix will combine its new RAM doubling technology with Maxima, its popular RAM disk utility, to provide a double-sized RAM disk. Ideal for PowerBook users, Maxima 3.0 will provide increased RAM disk capacity and will extend battery life. Maxima’s non-volatile RAM disk which survives Shutdowns can also be backed up on command or during any idle time. Maxima will also now include an AutoSetup function to simplify the creation of the RAM disk. It automatically creates a RAM disk with users’ favorite applications and a System Folder so the RAM disk can be used as a startup disk.
Like RAM Doubler, Maxima will be priced at $99 and will be available worldwide. Registered Maxima users can purchase the upgrade for $19.95. Users who purchase retail copies of Maxima after January 1, 1994 are entitled to a free upgrade to Maxima 3.0.
Founded in 1988, San Mateo, Calif, USA-based Connectix Corp. designs, manufactures, distributes and publishes award-winning personal computer enhancement products. The company’s flagship products include CPU - Connectix PowerBook Utilities, CDU - Connectix Desktop Utilities, On The Road, Maxima, InfoLog, HAND–Off II, Optima, Virtual, MODE32 and the Macintosh Memory Guide.
For more information, contact Connectix at (800) 950–5880, (415) 571–5100 or fax (415) 571–5195. The company can also be contacted via AppleLink or America OnLine at “Connectix” and CompuServe 75300,1546.
RAM Doubler, MODE32, Maxima, CPU - Connectix PowerBook Utilities, and CDU - Connectix Desktop Utilities, Virtual, and On The Road are trademarks of Connectix Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.