Boeing Starliner – After years of delay the first crewed Starliner launched yesterday and docked to ISS today. Not all was smooth (helium pressurant leaks and failed thrusters) but that’s why it’s a test flight.

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Formed in 1939, the 51st Highland Infantry Division was part of the territorial force; a great number of its men were taken prisoner in May 1940. After it was brought up to strength, the Division was engaged in the campaigns of North Africa in June 1942 and Sicily in July 1943. Highly experienced, the men were repatriated to Britain from November 1943 to prepare for Operation Overlord. On 6 June 1944, the 51st Highland Division landed on Juno Beach.

SAN MATEO, Calif., USA, December 12, 1993 – Connectix Corporation today announced RAM Doubler™, a new utility that doubles the memory of Macintosh® computers. RAM Doubler carries a US suggested retail price of $99 and will be available through leading resellers worldwide through retail outlets, mail order firms and distributors in January 1994.

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I’m a little embarrassed .. the sunspot that was pictured in yesterday’s animation isn’t the reappearance of #3664 from early in the month. I should have realized that since #3664 was in the southern hemisphere and the one pictured is in the north. Sunspots get numbered as they appear, either coming over the horizon or emerging during their transit. The new big one (#3691) in the animation (the latest version here)